Thursday, November 16, 2006

Typography and setting @ Konstfack

Typography and setting @ Konstfack
Day one – missed

I had to be at Södertörn University College and do my job with the third year students and their exam work. Than I got caught in other things to do at school, in spite wanting to be at Konstfack.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Titta på mig pappa!

Diverse 024, originally uploaded by arina s..

Här är förra veckans bravader med hästen Cirkus och mamma.

Kolla också på denna adress:

Patrik in Gbg

Bloggbilder 001, originally uploaded by arina s..

Try to see how pictures from flickr goes over to blogger.

W3 comunication here I'am

The first step to comunicate with the rest of the world.
The main thing for the moment is to accomodate with the tools and the languages.
Something to say comes later.